Road To The White House
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The Road to the White House tells the story of how Irish immigrants to the United States rose from impoverished, despised, disorganized outsiders to elect John F. Kennedy as the country’s first (and so far, only) non-Protestant, non-Anglo Saxon president. The series follows the rise of Irish-American political machines in cities like New York, Boston and Chicago and tells the story of 6 unique and powerful Irish-American Politicians whose ancestors all came to America as impoverished Irish immigrants. The Irish, by the very process of coming into America, changed the country. They were the first immigrant group in the US who seized upon politics as a means of making a living and they left an indelible mark on the American political landscape which stills resonates today.
Tara Breathnach, Antony Conaty, Michael Crawford, Fergus Cronin, Eamonn Draper
Dathaí Keane
3 x 43-47'
Series, Doc Series, Historical, Education
Year of Production