The Incomparable Rose Hartman

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Rose Hartman, 80 as of May 2017, doesn't let much get in the way of whatever fashion show or opening she wants to shoot. She’s been called a lot of names, but ‘irascible’ best defines the woman whose sharp eye and sharper elbows have been penetrating the New York City social scene for decades. In the 70s, she lay in wait at Studio 54 for stars like Mick and Bianca Jagger and Andy Warhol. Later she pioneered the backstage workings of 7th Avenue, making quick fans of Donna Karan and Carolina Herrera. Rose Hartman’s iconic images, particularly from the Studio 54 era and from her pioneering work behind the scenes of the fashion business, continue to fascinate because they ride that thrilling line between public and private. Although Hartman rejects the idea that she was or is some kind of paparazzi, insisting she was always and remains today an invited guest, her most famous work is all about moments we’re not necessarily supposed to see. Directed by Øtis Mass, The Incomparable Rose Hartman asks: does Rose simply work a room, or is she also working to belong?


Marc Benecke, Andrea Blanch, Philip Bloch, Carole Chazin


Øtis Mass


1 x 71'


Film, Feature Documentary, Biographical, Arts & Culture

Year of Production


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