Real Kids, Real Adventures
This dramatic series showcases young heroes and survivors telling their gripping stories of genuine heroism and edge of your seat action from around the world: a twelve year old Texas boy uses the Internet to save the life of a girl in Finland; a teen, with mere seconds to spare, rescues two toddlers playing in the path of a speeding train; a Summer camp leader saves a six year old from the jaws of a mountain lion. The concept is simple. The adventures are real. The kids are real. The dramas stick to the real facts, because they are more exciting - and inspiring - than anything that could be invented.
Daniel Magder, Jon Davey, Jordan Allison, Sophie Bennett, Kirsten Bishop
Mitchell Ness, Rox Owen, Rick Fester, Yazeem Lachporia, Dug Rotstein, David Storey
13 x 30'
Series, Doc Series, Education, Kids & Family
Year of Production